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4.14.0 (September 20, 2022)

Bug Fixes

In this release, we have worked on the quality of the product and fixed a number of minor errors and bugs. We have:

  • Fixed the links in the client profile and in the responses of universal commands in the agent WP.
  • Restored the display of agents’ avatars after a series of messages from the bot.
  • In the agent WP, added an indicator that determines whether a filter is used in the chat history (filter by attachments).
  • Corrected an error that caused the threads found via a search in the agent WP to not open.
  • Fixed the behavior based on which messages from agents with quotes were delivered to the client in messengers and social networks without quotes.
  • Corrected the logic of displaying the survey in the web chat: the survey that a client has not done yet is hidden after a timeout set by the administrator. To fix the error, you need to update the widget to version 4.13.
  • Adjusted the display of styles of some notifications in the supervisor WP.

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