In a queue with your active threads, they can have the following indicators:
Finishing: This indicator displays when an active thread is pending a client’s answer (that is when you have answered in a thread and switched to another one) and 80% or more of the thread closure timeout has passed.
Typing: This indicator displays when the client is typing. This indicator is supported by the following channels: an authorized web-chat, an unauthorized web-chat, a mobile app chat.
Left the chat: This indicator displays for a chat the client has left by themselves. The indicator is supported by the following channels:
- An authorized web-chat: The indicator displays when the client closes all the pages with the chat and signs out from the mobile app if they were logged in there.
- An unauthorized web-chat: The indicator displays when the client closes a page with the chat.
- A mobile app chat: The indicator displays if the client signs out of the mobile app and closes all the pages with the authorized chat if any.
If a client reopens the page with the authorized chat or logs into the mobile app, the indicator disappears.