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How to Configure Web Push Notifications

Step 1. Enable notifications
  1. Go to the Notifications tab in edna Chat Center.
  2. Activate the Push notifications switch.

Step 2. Specify sender ID
  1. Log in to your Firebase personal account and create a project.
    For instructions on registering and creating a project, see the article.

  2. Open the Project settings section.

  3. Go to the Cloud messaging tab.
  4. Copy the unique sender ID in the Sender ID column.

  5. Go to the Notifications tab in edna Chat Center.
  6. Paste the copied push notification sender’s unique ID into the Sender ID field.

Step 3. Specify server settings
  1. Go to the Service accounts tab in your Firebase personal account.
  2. Click Generate new private key to create and download a settings file for working with Firebase.

  3. Copy the settings from the downloaded file.
  4. Go to the Notifications tab in edna Chat Center.
  5. Paste the copied settings in JSON format into the Server settings block.

Step 4. Specify web widget settings
  1. Get the web widget settings according to the instructions.
  2. Go to the Notifications tab in edna Chat Center.
  3. Paste the copied settings in JSON format into the Widget settings block.

To download the file with the specified settings, click Download the js notification service. The button is active only if all fields are filled in correctly.

In this article