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5.5.0 (February 9, 2023)

New Features

  • We now display the email subject in threads for agents and supervisors. Agent can find a subject above the input field. If necessary, the agent can edit the subject or specify it.
  • We have increased the size of the Your agents widget frame in supervisor WP.
  • In external Bot API in the Post answers method, it is now possible to send WhatsApp interactive list messages in non-template messages.

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed minor bugs related to adding attachments to Response templates from the agent WP.
  • We have fixed an error with sending an outgoing WhatsApp message containing a header and a footer.
  • For agents, we have restored the display of emoji categories.
  • For Android mobile version agent WP, we have restored the functionality of browser-based web notifications.
  • We have fixed the issue that caused incorrect read statuses in the WP to be set for messages sent to WhatsApp or Web widget.
  • We have fixed minor bugs related to the inability to transfer a thread in supervisor WP in some cases.
  • We have fixed the issue that caused incorrect read statuses in the WP to be set for messages sent to WhatsApp or Web widget.
  • We have fixed the behavior that caused incorrect displaying of survey results in supervisor WP.
  • We have fixed the behavior that allowed admins to set any timeout as 00:00:00.
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