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5.10.0 (May 29, 2023)

New Features

  • We’ve changed the look of the Threads area on the History tab in the Supervisor WP. Now you can search for threads by their IDs. Such search returns only full matches, works on the whole date range, and ignores other filter settings. To use other filters, as usually, remove the thread ID from the search field by clicking the cross icon in the search field or the Reset filter button.
  • We’ve added support for opening specific sections of all WPs upon login. For example, when an unauthorized user enters a link to the supervisor’s History tab (https://***.edna.io/supervisor/chat) in the address bar, edna displays the login window and opens the History tab after the user logs in.
  • We’ve added the identification of reasons why messages from the IM platform to messengers and social networks cannot be delivered. edna displays them in the message history in the Agent and Supervisor WPs.

Bug Fixes

  • We’ve fixed the issue when clicking a comment in the Comments filter in the Agent WP opened the first comment in the thread instead of the selected one.
  • We’ve fixed the issue that created an unknown attachment to any response template selected by an agent.
  • We’ve restored the correct steps for manually closing of a thread with Tag required on. When an agent tried closing a thread, clicking Save in the Tag threads modal window took the agent back to the thread instead of closing it. The agent had to click Close thread again to close the thread.
  • We’ve fixed the scrolling of messages in the message history in the Agent WP.
  • We’ve fixed the issue that prevented entering any characters except spaces and line breaks in thread closing comments in the Supervisor WP.
  • We’ve restored the layout of thread lists with the channel filter on in the Supervisor WP.
  • We’ve restored the list of inactivity reasons in the Agent status filter in the Supervisor WP.
  • We’ve fixed the playback of voice messages in the Supervisor WP.
  • We’ve restored the processing of the supervisor.see-only-own-unit.enabled parameter. Now, when this parameter is on, supervisors can see only threads containing messages from their unit’s agents on the History tab.
  • We’ve restored the logging of messages in threads of clients who use several accounts in the same messenger, for example, several WhatsApp accounts. Now edna logs threads separately for different accounts of the same client.

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