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June 20, 2024


  • Updated the Push channel operation for Android applications. To enable push notifications for Android, you should now get the JSON file of the Google Service Account.
    Learn how to enable push notifications for Android.
    Learn how to get a Google Service Account JSON file.
  • Added a new way to connect the WhatsApp channel, where the partner can start connecting the WhatsApp channel in edna Pulse and then send the customer a unique link to fill in the required data, so that the customer can complete the connection individually.
    Learn how partners can connect a WhatsApp channel for customers.
  • Created the home page in your personal edna Pulse account. The page displays the following summary information:
    • balance status;
    • license information;
    • information about upcoming charges and debts;
    • information about recent broadcasts;
    • recent changes to channels and templates.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the error of saving variables that can be added when creating users in the Audience section.
  • Added a notification about a change in the registration status of the SMS template if it is rejected.
  • Removed the validation of the Template name field that should be filled in when creating a new SMS template.
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