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Survey Results Report

Use the Survey Results report to review the results of the survey sent to clients after an agent closes their thread.

id_questionSurvey identifier
questionSurvey question
answerClient’s answer
commentClient’s comment (if any)
date_answerDate of the client’s answer
thread_idThread identifier
client_idClient’s internal ID assigned by edna
external_client_idClient’s external ID (for example, from a customer’s CRM), if specified
agent_idAgent’s identifier
agent_nameAgent’s name
sv_idSupervisor’s identifier
sv_nameSupervisor’s name
department_idDepartment identifier
department_nameDepartment name
channelChannel used by the client (that is, channel via which the message is created)
authChannel type: authorized (yes) or unauthorized (no)
appChannel app name (if several apps are connected to the channel)
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