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Channel Status

When does the channel status change to “Warning”?

When the WhatsApp channel receives many complaints from broadcast recipients and the channel quality becomes low. The Warning status lasts for seven days. If you continue to send broadcasts with this channel status and continue to receive complaints from recipients, the channel’s daily limit will decrease, not increase.

What should I do if the channel status changes to “Warning”?

Stop all broadcasts and don’t start sending new ones.

If you’ve sent a broadcast in the last 24 hours, analyze it:

  1. Consider the audience. The information in the broadcast should be relevant and useful to all recipients.
  2. Review the text and attachments in the template. The broadcast text should be personalized.
  3. Check the broadcast sending time. The broadcast should be sent at an appropriate time, considering its content.
  4. If the broadcast specifies incorrect recipients, correct the audience.
  5. If the template contains errors, create a correct template and use it for future broadcasts.

If you haven’t sent a broadcast in the last 24 hours, check the two-way communication quality:

  1. Make sure that you respond to customers quickly and in a timely manner.
  2. Make sure that you are polite and respectful when communicating with customers.
  3. Make sure that your chatbot is working properly, if you have one.
  4. Make sure that you have the ability to transfer the conversation from the chatbot to a human.
  5. If necessary, improve the two-way communication quality.
When does the channel status change to “Flagged”?

When the daily limit for sending template messages to unique numbers is reached.

What should I do if the channel status changes to “Flagged”?
  1. If the broadcast is urgent, send undelivered messages through other channels.
  2. Analyze the broadcasts sent in the last 24 hours in the Broadcasts section or in the AnalyticsMessages section to understand when the restriction will be lifted.
  3. Wait for the channel status to change to Correct. This can take up to 24 hours.
  4. Continue planning and sending broadcasts.

Learn more about message analytics.

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