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4.8.0 (June 28, 2022)

New Features

  • It is now possible to create and use an admin account that will only have read-only rights. For such a user, all the admin WP interface will be available only in the read-only format, so they won’t be able to edit/remove/edit anything in the WP. If such a user tries to save changes, the interface will throw an error. To create an admin with read-only rights, contact the support team.
  • Previously, we implemented a setting for agents, supervisors, and admins that prevented them from working in multiple tabs simultaneously. Now, we have divided this setting, so it can be configured for each role separately. So, for example, if you want to prohibit an agent from working in multiple tabs, but keep it allowed for your supervisors and admins, contact the support team. 
  • In several filters in WPs, we have changed how selected elements are displayed. Previously, an element you selected was immediately removed from the drop-down; now, the selected element is visible but disabled.

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed the behavior that prevented the indicators in the agent’s personal statistics in the WP from resetting before the start of a new work shift.
  • We have fixed the behavior based on which a rating sent in by a client was overlooked in the agent’s personal statistics in the WP.
  • We have fixed minor errors related to mass movement of response templates in the admin WP.
  • We have fixed the following behavior: in the Threads → Your agents section of the Monitoring tab in the supervisor WP, information about the inactive status of agents did not display for them even though they did switch to that status within the current day.
  • We have fixed an error that occurred when downloading the Processing performance report.
  • In the Processing performance report, we have adjusted how the response_time parameter is generated. Now, if a thread was closed without a response, and an outgoing message was sent after that, the time of the outgoing message is overlooked when generating this parameter.
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