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February 26, 2024


Added information about the quality of the WhatsApp channel:

  • Now information about the WhatsApp channel quality and its daily limit is available in the Channels section and in the Broadcasts section when creating a new broadcast.
    Read more about the WhatsApp channel information.
  • Added two new WhatsApp channel statuses: Restricted when the daily limit has been reached, and Flagged when the channel quality has decreased and there is a risk of the daily limit being lowered.
  • If the status or daily limit of the channel changes, you will be notified in the Notifications section and by email.
  • The API method to get a list of channels passes the limit in the limit parameter, the channel quality in the qualityScore parameter, and the channel status in the qualityStatus parameter.

Learn how to maintain high WhatsApp channel quality.


  • Restored the ability to create templates with a button name length of up to 25 characters.
  • Removed the reference to the maximum number of characters in the link for free Viber templates of the Message with button type, because Viber doesn’t limit the length of the link.
  • Updated the links to the current instructions in the interface.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error when creating a free Viber template with the types Message with button, Image and Document.
  • Fixed the button preview error when creating a free Viber template of the Message with button type.
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