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Creating Notifications

You can create new notifications for your agents and send them immediately or schedule them. To create a notification:

  1. In the supervisor WP, click the New button (located next to the Bell button).
  2. In the New notification window, select who you want to receive the notification in the Recipient drop-down. The following options are available:
    • My group – Only the agents from your group receive the notification.
    • Contact center – All agents in the contact center receive the notification.
    • Custom – Only the selected agents receive the notification.
  3. Specify when you want to send the notification in the Delay field. Select None if you want to send the notification immediately after saving.
  4. Select the type of notification you are creating. Below are the available types of notifications and badges with which agents receive them:
    • News
    • Reminder
    • Notification
  5. Enter the text of the notification in the Notification content field.

  6. Click Save to save the notification or Save and create another one – if you want to save this one and create another one. Note that if you set None for Delay, the system sends the notification immediately after saving.
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