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November 30, 2023


Changed WhatsApp template limitations in line with Meta requirements. New limitations:

  • No more than 20 characters in the button name.
  • No more than 5 variables in the template.

Added quoting messages to the WhatsApp channel. Now you can:

  • Store information about the quoted message.
  • See information about the quoted message in the method for getting the message history.
  • See information about the quoted message in the message report.
  • See information about the quoted message in the incoming message callback method.

Added validation of WhatsApp template content when sending messages via the API.

Added validation when registering WhatsApp templates via the API in line with Meta requirements. The limitations described in the table below now apply. A warning is displayed when a limitation is reached.

Message textThe maximum number of characters in the message body is 1024 (including the text in the string).
The text shouldn’t contain line breaks.
The text shouldn’t contain characters with 4 or more consecutive spaces.
Variables in the message textThe variable shouldn’t contain a line break. If you use transfer, the changes are not saved.
The maximum number of characters in a variable value is 512.
Variables should be specified with two double curly braces at the beginning and end. The use of single braces is not permitted.
The number of characters in the text headerThe maximum number of characters in the text header is 60.
ButtonsThe maximum number of characters for button text is 20. The maximum number of characters for authorized templates is 25.
The restriction for the phone number on the call button: allowed format + country code.
FooterThe maximum number of characters in the footer is 60.
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