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Promoting WhatsApp Among Clients

Registering a WhatsApp account is only a start. Now you need your clients to start messaging that account. In this article, you will learn how to promote WhatsApp among the existing or new audience. The following promotion methods can help you quickly scale the new channel and improve the company’s digitalization indicators:

Learn more about each of the methods below.

Click-to-WhatsApp Button on Website and in Mobile App

A click-to-WhatsApp button is a website/mobile app element that once clicked opens a conversation with your company on WhatsApp. To set it up:

  1. Create a link to your account in WhatsApp using the following format: https://wa.me/71234567890?text=Message%20text%20example, where:
    • 71234567890 is your WhatsApp account phone number. Do not include + and 0 in the phone country code.
    • text=Message%20text%20example is a predefined message you can send at once. For spaces, use %20.
  2. Share the link with the website/mobile app developer team and ask them to add the button.

Link to WhatsApp on Contacts Page and in Footer on Website and in Mobile App

Place a link to your WhatsApp account next to the company contact details on the Contacts page on the website and in the mobile app. Once a client clicks the link, it opens a conversation with your company on WhatsApp. To set it up:

  1. Create a link to your account in WhatsApp using the following format: https://wa.me/71234567890?text=Message%20text%20example, where:
    • 71234567890 is your WhatsApp account phone number. Do not include + and 0 in the phone country code.
    • text=Message%20text%20example is a predefined message you can send at once. For spaces, use %20.
  2. Share the link with the website/mobile app developer team and ask them to add the button to the Contacts page and the footer.

Link to WhatsApp in Email Signature

Place a link to your WhatsApp account next to the contact details in the corporate email signature. Once a client clicks the link, it opens a conversation with your company on WhatsApp. It is especially useful when a client reads your email from a mobile device. To set it up:

  1. Create a link to your account in WhatsApp using the following format: https://wa.me/71234567890?text=Message%20text%20example, where:
    • 71234567890 is your WhatsApp account phone number. Do not include + and 0 in the phone country code.
    • text=Message%20text%20example is a predefined message you can send at once. For spaces, use %20.
  2. Share the link with the mail server admin so they could add it to the corporate email signature.

Posting on Company’s Social Media

You can post about a new communication channel on your company’s social media.

Deflecting IVR Calls to WhatsApp

You can deflect the IVR calls your company receives to WhatsApp. This will significantly decrease the response waiting time and increase the CSI of the requests you receive. For the details on how to set it up, refer here.

Click-to-WhatsApp Button on Company’s Page on Facebook

You can add the Send Message button to your company’s page on Facebook. This button has higher click rates than the chat button in Facebook Messenger. For the details on how to set it up, refer here.

Click-to-WhatsApp Button in Ads on Facebook and Instagram

Click-to-WhatsApp ads (or ads that click to WhatsApp) are ads on Facebook and Instagram with the embedded Send Message button that once clicked opens a conversation in WhatsApp. This way, your clients can contact your business using WhatsApp. Placing this button greatly enhances the performance of your advertising campaign and ad conversion rates. For the details on how to set it up, click here.

Subscription to WhatsApp Notifications When Ordering on Website and in Mobile App

When a client places an order on your website or in the mobile app, offer them to subscribe to notifications on the order status or company news not only via email and SMS but via WhatsApp as well. This will allow you to send template messages to the client in the WhatsApp channel. To set it up:

  1. Register a message/notification template for WhatsApp in edna.
  2. With the help of the website/mobile app development team, on the order checkout page, add an option to receive notifications via WhatsApp.
  3. Integrate edna API with your CRM system.
  4. Set up a trigger broadcast via WhatsApp in the CRM system so that once the order status is updated, the system sends a message to the client via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Number on Employees’ Business Cards

Place your company’s WhatsApp phone number on your employees’ business cards. A client often feels much more comfortable messaging in WhatsApp rather than calling.

QR Code on Company’s Products and Printing Materials

Print a QR code on your company’s products and printing materials (brochures, posters, etc). When a client scans the code, it opens a conversation with your company on WhatsApp. This is a simple and quick means for your client to start communicating with your company. To set it up:

  1. Create a link to your account in WhatsApp using the following format: https://wa.me/71234567890?text=Message%20text%20example, where:
    • 71234567890 is your WhatsApp account phone number. Do not include + and 0 in the phone country code.
    • text=Message%20text%20example is a predefined message you can send at once. For spaces, use %20.
  2. Generate a QR code with this link via qrcoder.ru (or any other QR code generation service).
  3. Share the QR code with the department that manages products and printed materials.

Welcoming Message to Сurrent Сlients

Create a broadcast based on a message template informing your current clients that you have a new communication channel and let them know what questions they can bring there. To set it up:

  1. Register a welcoming message template in edna with the following recommended text:

    Hello, this is a new edna Support communication channel. Here you can ask any questions.
  2. Create a broadcast in edna using your clients’ phone numbers.
Set up the broadcast to send messages gradually to avoid overloading the employees of your contact center with incoming messages from clients.