Adding WhatsApp Operator Templates

You should first create an operator template and register it in Meta, and then create a custom template based on it. The custom template allows you to send broadcasts.
You can’t edit the registered and submitted for registration operator templates.

To add an operator template, follow these steps:

  1. Add the template data.
  2. Create the template text.
  3. Add a header and footer (optional).
  4. Add buttons (optional).

Adding Template Data

  1. Open your personal account and go to SettingsTemplates.
  2. Click Add template and select WhatsApp.
  3. Select the Operator template type.
  1. Select the name of the channels for which you are creating a template from the Register to this sender name drop-down list. The template is linked to the sender’s name, so the operator templates that you add for the selected sender’s name will be available to this sender when creating custom templates.
  2. Specify the template name. To successfully pass the Meta check, enter a name that reflects the meaning of the template and is understandable to the validator. For example, 3_1_version_name.
  3. Select the template category from the Template category drop-down list:
    • Utility;
    • Authentication;
    • Marketing.
  4. Select the template language.
  5. Click Next.

Creating Template Text

If you select the Utility or Marketing template category, enter the message template text, click Next and continue to add a header and footer. If necessary, use placeholders.

If you select the Authentication template category:

  1. Select the button type and fill in the required fields.
    • Copy code. If necessary, change the button name.
    • One-tap autofill. Only for Android applications that support the secure connection setup protocol. If your application doesn’t support it, the button type automatically changes to Copy code.
  2. If necessary, enable the Add security disclaimer option to add a warning that the code shouldn’t be shared.
  3. If necessary, enable the Add expiration warning option to add a warning and set the password expiration date.
  4. Click Submit.

The operator template of the Authentication category is added and submitted for registration.

Adding Header and Footer

Only for the Utility or Marketing template category.
  1. If necessary, enable the Add a header option and fill in the required fields.
  2. If necessary, enable the Add a message signature option and enter your signature. It is shown under the message.
  3. Click Next.

Adding Buttons

Only for the Utility or Marketing template category.

If you want to make your message interactive, enable the Add buttons option, configure the button types, and click Submit.

If your template has variables, a document title, an image, or a video, the Add sample to message content window opens, because Meta requires such templates to be sent with a sample of the content.

Add samples of variables or media files and click Submit. The sample should match the template text to pass validation. For example, if the template announces the release of a new version of the product, the media files should match the meaning.

After that, the template of the Utility or Marketing category is added with the Pending registration status. After validation, the template is given the Active status.