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General Questions

How do I find a list of all channels?

Go to the Settings Channels section. This section displays a list of all your channels with detailed information about them.

How do I create a channel?
  1. Go to the Settings Channels section.
  2. Click Add channel and select the required channel: SMS, WhatsApp, Viber, Push.
  3. Depending on the selected channel, follow the instructions:

Once you have successfully registered with the provider, you will receive a notification that the channel is ready for use.

What types of templates are available in edna Pulse?

There are three types of templates available in edna Pulse: operator, custom, and free. For more information on template types, see the article.

How do I register a template?
  1. Go to the Settings Templates section.
  2. Click Add template and select the required channel: SMS, WhatsApp, Viber.
  3. Depending on the selected channel, follow the instructions for creating a template of the required type:

Operator templates created in edna Pulse should be registered with providers. Once registered, templates cannot be modified.

How do I find a list of all registered templates?

Go to the Settings Templates section. This section displays a list of all your templates with detailed information about them.

What templates are used to send broadcasts?

Broadcasts are sent with the help of user templates created from registered operator templates.

How do I create a cascade?
How do I create a broadcast?
How do I configure integration with other systems?

You can use the API to send broadcasts. For setup instructions, see the article.

For more information about the API, its methods and sending options, see the article.

What should I do if messages are not sent?

You can only send messages if you have a positive balance, no debts for the previous period and an active license.


The license must be active, and the signature must be in the list of active signatures. If the conditions are not met, pay for the license by following the instructions.

If all conditions are met, but no messages are sent, contact technical support support@edna.io. Specify in the letter:

  • your username;
  • an example of an unsuccessfully delivered message;
  • your full phone number, date and time you sent it;
  • the error you receive;
  • if possible, include additional information: screenshots from your personal account, the ID or name of the template used, browser console information, or any other details that will help us to resolve your problem more quickly.
How do I find out why the message failed to be sent?

Go to the AnalyticsMessages section and select the message with the status Failed to send or Not delivered. The reason will be displayed in the Error field. Learn more about possible errors. Learn more about possible errors.

How do I view statistics about my broadcasts and messages?
  • Open the detailed information on the required broadcast in the Broadcasts section. Read more in the article.
  • Go to the Analytics Messages section. Read more in the article.
In this article