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Processing Performance Report

Use the Processing performance report to review the statistics on threads created in the system.

date_startThread creation date
date_endThread closure date The field remains empty if the thread is not closed yet.
thread_idThread ID
stateCurrent thread state (possible states are described in this table as well). If the thread state is anything but Closed (CLOSED), the thread values are not finalized and can be recalculated once the thread is closed.
Reason for completionReasons for closing the thread. Possible values are:

OPERATOR_CLOSED – The thread was manually closed by an agent.
SUPERVISOR_CLOSED – The thread was closed bt a supervisor.
CLIENT_BLOCKED – The thread was closed due to the client being blocked.
CLIENT_CLOSED – The client agreed to close the thread early.
WAITING_TIMEOUT – The thread was closed due to the thread closure timeout.
OUTGOING_WAITING_TIMEOUT – The thread was closed due to the Closing threads with only agent messages timeout.
EXTERNAL_CALL_FORCED_CLOSURE – The thread was closed by a method of the external API. If a thread started as an outgoing one and was immediately closed, the reason is not stated.
tag1Tag assigned to the thread
tag2Tag assigned to the thread
tag3Tag assigned to the thread
first_user_id_assignID of the first user to whom the system assigns the thread. This user can be both a chatbot and an agent.
first_user_name_assignName of the first user to whom the system assigns the thread. This user can be both a chatbot and an agent.
first_user_id_answerID of the user who is the first to reply to a client’s message in the thread. This user can be both a chatbot and an agent. The field remains empty until a message is sent to the client in the thread.
first_user_name_answerName of the user who is the first to reply to a client’s message in the thread. This user can be both a chatbot and an agent. The field remains empty until a message is sent to the client in the thread.
first_agent_id_assignID of the first agent to whom the system assigns the thread. The field remains empty if the thread was never assigned to an agent.
If the thread was initially assigned to a chatbot and then reassigned to an agent – the agent’s ID is specified in this field.
first_agent_name_assignName of the first agent to whom the system assigns the thread. The field remains empty if the thread was never assigned to an agent.
If the thread was initially assigned to a chatbot and then reassigned to an agent – the agent’s name is specified in this field.
first_agent_id_answerID of the agent who is the first to reply to a client’s message in the thread. This user can be both a chatbot and an agent. The field remains empty until a message is sent to the client in the thread.
first_agent_name_answerID of the agent who is the first to reply to a client’s message in the thread. This user can be both a chatbot and an agent. The field remains empty until a message is sent to the client in the thread.
last_agent_idThe ID of the user who closes the thread (that is, who is the last one to interact with the client in the thread). This user can be both a chatbot and an agent.
The field remains empty if the thread is not closed yet or if the thread was closed from the general distribution queue (that is, the thread was not assigned to a user when it was closed).
last_agent_nameThe name of the user who closes the thread (that is, who is the last one to interact with the client in the thread). This user can be both a chatbot and an agent. The field remains empty if the thread is not closed yet.
The field remains empty if the thread is not closed yet or if the thread was closed from the general distribution queue (that is, the thread was not assigned to a user when it was closed).
client_idClient’s internal ID assigned by edna
external_client_idClient’s external ID (for example, from a customer’s CRM), if specified
channelChannel via which the thread is created
authChannel type: authorized (yes) or unauthorized (no)
appChannel app name (if several apps are connected to the channel)
countryCountry of the client’s location
regionRegion (state, district, etc.) of the client’s location
townTown/city of the client’s location
reassignedAmount of time the thread is in the reassigned state (if any)
assignedAmount of time the thread is in the assigned state (if any)
in_progressAmount of time the thread is in the in_progress state (if any)
waitingAmount of time the thread is in the waiting state (if any)
answer_neededAmount of time the thread is in the reassigned state (if any)
newAmount of time the thread is in the new state (if any)
suspendedAmount of time the thread is in the suspended state (if any)
unassignedAmount of time the thread is in the unassigned state (if any)
total_waiting_timeAmount of time the client is waiting for a response (that is, it is the total amount of time the client’s thread is in the new, suspended, assigned, reassigned, and answer_needed states)
door_to_door_timeAmount of time since the thread is created and until it is closed
assignment_agent_timeAmount of time since the thread is created and until it is first moved into an agent’s personal queue. If this has not happened yet, the field is empty.
opening_agent_timeAmount of time since the thread is created and until an agent first opens it in the chat area. If this has not happened yet, the field is empty.
response_agent_timeAmount of time since the thread is created and until an agent first replies to it. If this has not happened yet, the field is empty.
response_timeAmount of time since the thread is created and until an agent or a chatbot first replies in it. If this has not happened yet, the field is empty.
net_agent_reaction_timeDifference between response_agent_time and assignment_agent_time

In the table that follows, you can see the thread states and their definitions:

  • Thread distribution queue, the status on the History tab is In queue
Thread statusStatus name in the reportDefinition
CreatedNEWA thread is created and is pending to be distributed to an agent’s personal queue
UnassignedUNASSIGNEDThe thread is pending to be distributed to an agent’s personal queue. The thread is assigned to agent A and then is returned to the distribution queue due to one of the following reasons: Agent A has left the systemAgent A has switched to one of the Inactive statuses, and there is at least one new message from the client in the threadAgent A has sent a block request, but it is dismissed by the supervisor
Created after hoursSUSPENDEDThe thread is pending to be distributed to an agent’s personal queue. The thread is created after hours according to the channel’s schedule. It will be returned to the distribution queue once the channel is available again.
  • An agent’s personal queue , the status on the History tab is In progress
Thread statusStatus name in the reportDefinition
Reassigned to the agentREASSIGNEDThe thread is in an agent’s personal queue and is pending the agent’s response. This thread was already assigned to another agent (agent A), but then was moved to the distribution queue once again due to one of the following reasons: Agent A has left the systemAgent A has switched to one of the Inactive statuses, and there is at least one new message from the client in the threadAgent A transferred the threadAgent A has sent a block request, but it is dismissed by the supervisor The thread is not open in the agent’s chat area in agent WP. This thread is considered as waiting for an agent’s response in the agent and supervisor WPs.
Assigned to the agent for the first timeASSIGNEDThe thread is in an agent’s personal queue and is pending the first response from the agent. It is not open in the agent’s chat area in agent WP. This thread is considered as waiting for an agent’s response in the agent and supervisor WPs.
Waiting for another responseANSWER_NEEDEDThe thread is in an agent’s personal queue and is pending the next response from the agent. It is not open in the agent’s chat area in agent WP. This thread is considered as waiting for an agent’s response in the agent and supervisor WPs.
FinishingWAITINGThe thread is in an agent’s personal queue and is pending the next response from the client. It is not open in the agent’s chat area in agent WP. This thread is considered as waiting for a client’s response in the agent and supervisor WPs. The thread closure timeout has started.
In progressIN_PROGRESSThe thread is in an agent’s personal queue and is open in the agent’s chat area.   This thread is considered as in progress in the supervisor WP.
  • Out of the queues, the status in the History tab is Closed
Thread statusStatus name in the reportDefinition
ClosedCLOSEDThe thread is closed.
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