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Workload Report

Use the Workload report to review the agents’ workload for any period: in what statuses they were and for how long, what part of their working time they spent chatting with clients, etc. For the details on each of the statuses, refer to the table in the Agent Status Widget article and the Agent Operations topics of online help.

By default, the report displays all columns with inactive statuses available for agents, regardless of whether those statuses are used within the reporting period or not. So, if the Lunch Break status is available for agents, but they never use it within the reporting period, this column will still be displayed in the report.

However, there are two more ways of how the system can generate the report:

  • Display the columns with inactive statuses (“Lunch Break”, “Meeting”, etc.) only when agents use them within the reporting period. This way, if they don’t, the respective columns with the inactive statuses that are not used will not be displayed in the report.
  • Display the columns with all possible inactivity reasons that earlier existed in the system, but were then deactivated and unavailable for agents.

If you want to use a non-default configuration for the report, contact the support team.

Columns with inactive statuses are sorted alphabetically, but you can also specify your own order. To do that, also contact the support team.

The report provides the following details:

dateFirst date of the period
agent_idAgent’s identifier
agent_nameAgent’s name
sv_idSupervisor’s identifier
sv_nameSupervisor’s name
department_idDepartment identifier
department_nameDepartment name
notready_timeTime the agent spent in the Not ready status.
“Lunch Break”Time the agent spent in the Lunch Break status.
“Short Break”Time the agent spent in the Short Break status.
“Coaching”Time the agent spent in the Coaching status.
“Meeting”Time the agent spent in the Meeting status.
“Technical break”Time the agent spent in the Technical Break status.
inactive_time (kicked out)Time the agent spent in the Inactive (kicked out) status.
ready_timeTime the agent spent in the Active status.
outgoing_timeTime the agent spent in the Out status.
pre_inactive_timeTime the agent spent in the Active (finishing) status.
thread_talk_timeTime the agent spent in the system while processing the threads in the Active status: the amount of time when the agent had an active thread in their chat area.
productive_timeTime the agent spent in the system with any thread (active, pinned, or closed) open in the chat area.
waiting_timeTime the agent spent in the system in the Active and Out statuses with no thread (active, pinned, or closed) open in the chat area.
waiting_time = ready_time + outgoing_timeproductive_time.
login_timeTime the agent spent logged into the system. This value is the amount of time the agent spent in all available statuses.
In this article