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6.11.0 (May 24, 2024)


  • Added the ability to get a history of changes to all settings specified in the administrator’s automated workplace. Read more in the article.
  • Added the ability to select 20, 50, 100 or 200 pages to display on the History tab of the supervisor’s automated workplace.
  • Added notifications about a new thread when the window with response templates is open in the agent’s automated workplace.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the display of numerous pages on the History tab of the supervisor’s automated workplace.
  • Changed the names of the email fields in the email threads.
  • Fixed the validation of fields in the Client notifications section of the administrator’s automated workplace.
  • Fixed the error of displaying buttons in the agent’s automated workplace.
  • Fixed the error of displaying buttons in the web widget preview after editing with settings.json.
  • Fixed the quoted voice message name in the web widget.
  • Fixed the error of downloading reports in the supervisor’s automated workplace.
  • Fixed the error of selecting the interface language on the authorization page.
  • Fixed the error of downloading customer attachments in messages sent through the WhatsApp channel.
  • Fixed the error of saving an invalid email address in the customer profile.
  • Fixed the formatting of agent messages in the web widget.
  • Fixed the incorrect display of the chat invitation.
  • Fixed the display of the supervisor name in thread transfer comments.
In this article
In this article