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Set Agent’s Status

Switches the agent to the required status. Supported statuses are READY, OUTGOING, and INACTIVE.

  • Call this method with "status": "READY" or "status": "OUTGOING" to switch the agent to one of the statuses in which they work (i.e., are active).
  • Call this method with "status": "INACTIVE", "reason: <REASON>" to trigger the agent going inactive.

Default reasons for the INACTIVE status::

  • “technical_break” (string)
  • “lunch_break” (string)
  • “short_break” (string)
  • “meeting” (string)
You can use any reasons added to edna Chat Center’s inactivity_reasons table in the reason column.



HTTP Request

PUT /api/v1/agents/1/status?userVariableName=id HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <integrator_token>
Content-Length: 26
Host: localhost: 8080
    "status": "READY"

Example of a Successful HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers