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Creating Click-to-WhatsApp Ads

Click-to-WhatsApp ads (or ads that click to WhatsApp) are ads on Facebook and Instagram with the embedded Send Message button that once clicked opens a conversation thread in the WhatsApp Business app. This way, your clients can contact your business using WhatsApp. Placing this button greatly enhances the performance of your advertising campaign and ad conversion rates.

To add the Send Message button:

  1. Connect your WhatsApp account to your Facebook page. For more details, refer to the Adding Click-to-WhatsApp Button to Facebook Page article or this Facebook article.
  2. Create a click-to-WhatsApp advert. For more details, refer to this Facebook article.

After that, you can launch your campaign using the click-to-WhatsApp ads on Facebook and Instagram. Then, on the Analytics page in your dashboard in edna Pulse and API, you can track the data about ad traffic in WhatsApp. The following parameters are available:

  • body – Text of the ad in which the client clicked the button
  • headline – Ad header
  • sourceID – Facebook ID of the ad or post
  • sourceType – Type of the ad in which the button was clicked: ad or post
  • sourceURL – Ad URL

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