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Thread Modes

You can change the mode of your queue and see not only the threads to work on, but also your pinned and closed threads using the switch located above your personal queue in the agent WP.

Thread Modes

You can work with threads in one of three modes: Queue, Pinned, and Closed.

In the Queue mode, respond in active threads in your personal queue. edna displays the following information in the queued thread list:

  • Your free and occupied sessions
  • The list of threads in your personal queue
  • The number of the threads in your queue
  • For each thread:
    • the client’s name and avatar (if available)
    • the new thread indicator or number of unanswered messages (if any)
    • the text of the last message
    • the thread channel icon
    • the name of the channel
      Note. To enable channel names in the Queue list, please contact the support team.

In the Pinned mode, respond in threads that you pinned in the Queue mode. edna displays the following information in the pinned thread list:

  • The list of your pinned messages
  • The number of pinned messages (next to Pinned)
  • For each pinned message:
    • the client’s name and avatar (if available)
    • the deadline you set to answer the pinned message
    • the text of the message
    • the message channel icon
    • the client’s status (whether their thread is active or not)

In the Closed mode, review the history of your closed threads. edna displays the following information in the closed thread list:

  • The list of your clients sorted by the thread closure date. The most recent clients are displayed at the top.
  • For each client:
    • the client’s name and avatar (if available)
    • the date of your last thread with the client
    • the text of the first message in the thread
    • the thread channel icon
    • the client’s status (whether their thread is active or not)

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