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4.8.1 (July 05, 2022)

New Features

  • In the web widget, we have implemented support for clickable phone numbers in messages sent by agents/clients. When clicking such a number, it will open a standard software for phone calls on the user’s device. 

    A clickable phone number is validated as follows: 
    • The number of digits in the phone number is 10 or 11
    • The phone number starts with 8, 7, +7
    • The phone number can have the following characters: spaces, dashes, dots, and brackets
  • We have implemented standardization of numbers on the system side:
    • The system now changes 8 or 7 at the beginning of phone numbers to +7. For example: an agent sends 89999999999, but the number in their message will be sent to the client as +79999999999.
    • If a phone number contains dots, they will be replaced with dashes. For example: an agent sends +7.999.999.99.99, but the number in their message will be sent to the client as +7-999-999-99-99.

      In both the examples, the numbers will be stored the same standardized way in the chat history.
Some numbers that clients can send in a non-standard format will not display as clickable until you refresh the page.

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed the behavior that caused issues when transferring threads in the agent WP.
  • We have fixed the behavior based on which response templates did not copy or move in the admin WP.
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