Agent Status Widget

Use the Agent status widget to review the following information about the selected agents:

  • Current status.
  • Number of threads in personal queues. Only for agents in the Active status.
  • Number of pinned messages.
  • How much time has passed since the last status change. Only for agents in the Offline or Inactive status.

Agent List Filtering

By default, the All filter is selected to display a list of agents in all statuses. To display a list of agents in a particular status, select the required status from the drop-down list.

The following agent statuses are available to filter the list:

Active (doesn’t receive threads)The agent is logged in and can process incoming and outgoing threads started by clients as part of the Assigning a client to an agent timeout action. The agent can work with their assigned clients, receive messages from them and reply to them, but they do not receive threads from other clients at the moment.
ActiveThe agent is logged in, and the system can assign threads to them, so the agent can start working. This status is the one assigned to the agent while they are working with threads. In this status, the number of threads and pinned messages is displayed for the agent.
Active (free)The agent is logged in, and the system can assign threads to them. All sessions of this agent are currently free.
Active (finishing)The agent has requested to switch to inactive status and is finishing current threads. The system does not assign new threads to the agent. For this status, the system displays the number of threads and pinned messages for the agent.
Lunch break
Short break
Technical break
The agent is in the corresponding Inactive status and is not processing threads. The system does not assign new threads to the agent. For this status, the inactive time is displayed.

Important! A system admin can add other reasons for agents’ inactivity using an API method, and agents will be able to select this reason when going inactive.
The new reasons are also displayed on the Your agents tab in the Threads widget and in the Workload report and the Agent status log report.
Not ready The agent has logged in and is preparing to start working. For this status, the system displays how long the agent has been in this status.
Inactive (kicked out)The agent was not processing assigned threads and did not respond to the system’s request to continue working. The system moves the agent to this status automatically, unassigns the agent’s current threads and moves them to the general distribution queue, and does not assign new threads to this agent (and none are in their queue).
OfflineThe agent is currently offline (not logged in). The system displays the time since the agent was logged in for the last time.

Agent Card Actions

Click on the agent in the list to open their card.

To change the agent’s status, open their card, select the required status from the drop-down list and click Change. The status change is available when the agent is in any status except Offline.

If there is a request for approval from an agent, a notification icon (bell) is displayed in the list next to the agent’s photo. To accept or reject a request, open the agent’s card.

In this article