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Pinned Messages Report

Use the Pinned messages report to review the details of agents’ work on pinned messages.

thread_idThread identifier
client_idClient’s internal ID assigned by edna
external_client_idClient’s external ID (for example, from a customer’s CRM), if specified
date_task_stateDate when the pinned message is created
textPinned message text
date_decision_firstFirst date/deadline the agent specifies for the pinned message
date_decision_lastLast date/deadline the agent specifies for the pinned message (if it doesn’t change, it is the same as date_decision_first)
date_decision_actualDate when the pinned message is resolved (that is when it is answered), if applicable.
date_cancellationDate when the message is unpinned, if applicable
task_timeAmount of time the message is pinned as follows:

For the resolved pinned messages, it is the amount of time from the moment the message is created and to the moment it is answered by an agent.

For the canceled messages, it is the amount of time from the moment the message is created and to the moment it is unpinned.

For the pinned messages that are not resolved yet, it is the amount of time from the moment the message is created and to the current moment.
stateCurrent status of the pinned message. The possible options are:

inactive – The first date is set for the pinned message.
delayed – A new date is set for the pinned message (it is delayed).
expired – The current date has expired, the new one has not been set yet.
canceled – The message is unpinned.
resolved – The pinned message has been resolved (the answer has been sent). 
delay_countNumber of times the pinned message is delayed
agent_nameAgent’s name
agent_login_firstAgent’s login
sv_nameSupervisor’s name
sv_login_firstSupervisor’s login
department_name_firstDepartment name
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