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Adding Buttons in WhatsApp Templates

You can add the following types of buttons to the template text:

A template can contain either chat buttons or a link button and a call button.

Chat Buttons

Use this radio button to add buttons for which you can specify any values. These buttons will be displayed in the message sent based on this template, and once a client selects one of them, you will receive the selected response as a message from the client. For example, you can create buttons that say Yes or No, contain different quality survey options (for example, Great, Good, Bad), offer the client to select one of the available options to buy (for example, S, M, L), etc. You can add a maximum of three buttons.

Use this option to add a clickable link to your template. It will display as a link button below the message. The URL can be both fixed and dynamic.

A fixed link is the same in every message based on this template. A dynamic link must have two parts. The first one is a fixed (invariable) part, you must enter it in this step. The second, final part of the URL can change for each broadcast created based on the current template and for each client as well, if necessary. To make the URL in the template a dynamic one, select Make the button URL dynamic. After a template with such button is registered, and you create a custom template based on it, you can add it in broadcasts. When using it in a broadcast, you will be able to specify the dynamic part of the link there.

Call Buttons

Use this option to add a button that will use standard software for calls on a client’s device to call the number you specify.

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