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Operational Performance Report

Use the Operational performance report to analyze the agents’ KPIs.

dateFirst date of the period
agent_idAgent’s identifier
agent_nameAgent’s name
sv_idSupervisor’s identifier
sv_nameSupervisor’s name
department_idDepartment identifier
department_nameDepartment name
threads_closedNumber of processed threads (the threads that are moved from the agent’s personal queue to processing and are either closed or sent for blocking in the reporting period)
threads_assignedNumber of unique threads that are assigned to the agent within the reporting period including threads that are not yet closed at the time when you download the report. If the same thread is assigned to the agent several times within the reporting period, for this attribute, the system counts it once.
tasksNumber of processed pinned messages
login_timeTime the agent spent logged into the system
occupancy_rateAgent’s occupancy rate: a share of the productive time from the amount of time the agent is in the Active and Out statuses. To calculate this attribute, the system uses the following formula:

Productive time / (time while logged into the system – time in the Not ready status – time in the Lunch break status – time in the Technical Break status – time in the Meeting status – time in the Training status – time in the Inactive (kicked out) status

productive_time / (login_time – notready_time – lunch_time – shortbreak_time – training_time – meeting_time – technicalbreak_time – inactive_time (kicked out))
productivity_in_hourRate of the agent’s productivity in the system: the number of threads that the agent closes within an hour. To calculate this attribute, the system uses the following formula:

Threads closed / login time / 360
Threads_closed / login_time / 360
waiting_rateRate of the agent’s waiting time. To calculate this attribute, the system uses the following formula:

• Waiting time / (login time – time in the Lunch break status – time in the Technical Break status – time in the Meeting status – time in the Training status – time in the Inactive (kicked out) status)

• waiting_time / (login_time – notready_time – lunch_time – shortbreak_time – training_time – meeting_time – technicalbreak_time – inactive_time (kicked out))
average_talk_timeAverage time the agent takes to process their assigned threads. To calculate this attribute, the system uses the following formula:

Thread talk time / number of threads the agent opened in the chat area

average_task_timeAverage time the agent takes to process their pinned messages. For this attribute, the system uses either one of the following formulas:

• The total lifetime of all pinned messages answered by the agent in the reporting period / number of processed pinned messages

• The total time pinned messages remain in the agent’s personal queue / tasks
transfer_rateShare of the transferred messaged out of all messages taken into processing. To calculate this attribute, the system uses the following formula:

The number of threads for which the agent clicked Transfer and transferred them / the number of threads taken by the agent into processing 
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