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Information edna Chat Center Passes to Chatbot

This article describes the basic information that edna Chat Center passes to a chatbot using web hooks. For more details information about these and other web hooks with detailed examples and possible answers, refer here.


Once a chat with a client loads (is initialized), edna sends the INIT_CHAT webhook to the chatbot.

The following client information is passed in the webhook:

  • action – Always INIT_CHAT
  • threadsClientId – Internal client ID in edna
  • channelInfo.channelType – Channel where the chat was initialized
  • channelInfo.authorized – Attribure that indicates whether the client is authorized (true/false)
  • platform – Channel platform, only for the channels of the Mobile type (iOS/Android)
  • sender – Sender information, always ThreadsAPI
  • clientData – Additional fields with client information


Once a client sends a message to a chat that is routed to a chatbot, edna sends the MESSAGE webhook with the following information:

  • action – Always MESSAGE
  • text – Text of the client’s message
  • clientId – External client ID (for authorized clients only)
  • threadsClientId – Internal client ID in edna
  • sessionId – Internal thread ID
  • questionId – Internal ID of the client’s message in edna
  • questionIndex – Index of the client’s message in the thread
  • channelInfo.channelType – Channel where the chat was initialized
  • channelInfo.authorized – Attribute that indicates whether the client is authorized (true/false)
  • platform – Channel platform, applicable only for the channels of the Mobile type (iOS/Android)
  • clientData – Additional fields with client information
  • segmentationInfo – Object that contains additional information for the thread routing (segmentation custom parameter) after the bot
    • key – Segmentation parameter name
    • value – Segmentation parameter value
  • receivedAt – Time when the message was received
  • attachments – Array with attachment objects
    • attachments.url – Attachment URL
    • attachments.name – Attachment name
    • attachments.type – Attachment type
    • attachments.size – Attachment size
  • sender – Sender information, always ThreadsAPI
  • settings.blockInput – Parameter that defines whether the message input field is blocked when using quick replies (true/false)
  • settings.masked – Parameter that is used to mask digits in the linked client message (true/false)
In this article