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How to Route Threads to Personal Managers

Admins can configure routing in a way that specific clients will only be assigned to the agents that are their “personal managers”. To do that:

  1. On the Segments page in the admin WP, create a segment with the Personal manager parameter.
  2. Set the highest priority for this segment.
  3. On the Routing settings page, create a route for this segment: select the Personal manager parameter as the route point.
  4. When a thread is created by a client from the SDK web widget or mobile app, from the parent application side in clientData, you need to pass the personal_manager parameter with the value of the login of the agent to whom the client needs to be routed.

    This client – personal manager pair is saved for every next thread of this client until an empty value or a new login is passed.
  5. If you use a chatbot for the message processing, the bot can receive the information about the client’s personal manager while chatting with the client (for example, from a third-party CRM system). In this case, when transferring the client’s thread to agents, in the segmentationInfo structure, the bot can pass the personal_manager parameter with the value of the login of the agent to whom the client needs to be routed.

    This client – personal manager pair is saved for every next thread of this client until an empty value or a new login is passed.

If the information about the client’s personal manager was passed via one of the methods described above, their thread will be routed accordingly via the configured route for personal managers to the agent with the respective login.

How Else To Assign Personal Managers to Clients

We have methods for updating a client’s profile by their IDs in our external API.

If you use a CRM, you can implement calling our methods to update the information about the client’s personal manager.

You can also configure a universal command that will assign personal managers to agents. For example:

  1. A client creates a thread, but there is no information about their personal manager.
  2. An agent, while chatting with the client, uses the command and specifies the login of their personal manager.
  3. Next time, when the client starts a thread, it will be routed using the rules of their personal route.

    If you need assistance on implementing such a universal command, contact our support team.