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4.12.0 (August 24, 2022)

New Features

  • In the new design of the agent WP, a new button, Switch to active mode, is available in the chat area. The button is displayed if you are currently in an inactive status. 
  • We have implemented a new method in the external API: Bulk close threads. This method is used to close several threads simultaneously. When using this method, you specify the IDs of the threads you want to close and can leave a comment for all of them at once. 

Bug Fixes

  • We have corrected the way a bar with information about the need to complete or respond to all threads displays when trying to switch to an inactive status. Now it does not overlap with the thread control buttons.
  • We have fixed the behavior based on which agents could send attachments using the clipboard (using Ctrl + C → Ctrl + V shortcut or the Copy → Paste mouse buttons) even if sending attachments was prohibited by the system administrator settings.
  • We have fixed the behavior that caused the phrase “I want to continue the conversation” to not display in the chat history for agents. This phrase is received from clients when responding to a request to complete the thread early.
  • We have fixed the issue with attachments sent by agents not being displayed to clients in messengers and social media.
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