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Filtering Threads in Threads List

  1. In the Filter section of the History tab, specify the interval when the threads were created in the Start date fields (90 days max).
  2. Select the required status of the threads:
    • Select (default value, the system displays threads with all statuses)
    • In queue (threads that are being currently distributed)
    • In progress (threads that are being processed by agents)
    • Closed (closed threads)
  3. If you want to only see the threads of a specific agent, in the Agents filter, click Add, select the check box next to their name in the Employees window, and click Show. This might be useful when, for example, you receive feedback from a client and they mention the agent’s name. You can also select chatbots and agents from specific departments here, if necessary.

  4. Specify the thread duration, messages count, and the first response waiting time, if necessary. You can select one of the following symbols: ≥, >, =, <, ≤.
  5. Select the required channels via which the threads are received in the Channel field.
  6. In the Tags drop-down, select the tags assigned to the threads.

    Tags are created by admins and can have one, two, or three levels. Agents can only assign a full tag bundle to a thread (for example, if a tag has three levels – Complaint/Products/Resolved, an agent cannot assign just Complaint to a thread). You can see the full tag tree in the filter and select whichever tags (or tag bundles) you need. If you select several tags/tag bundles, the system displays threads that have at least one of them assigned.
  7. From the Rating drop-down, specify the ratings based on which you want to see the filters. Note that values in the Rating drop-down are only available if the rating request option is enabled in your system.

    After a thread is closed, the system might send a rating request to the client (this depends on whether the option is enabled in your system). Then the client rates the thread/agent.

    You can select more than one rating if necessary or select No rating to see the threads with no rating. Note that if the rating request option was enabled for your system earlier, but is not anymore, you can still see the ratings for the threads that were received when it was still on.
  1. If necessary, select search criteria in the list next to the search field, By text, By client, or By thread, and enter required text, a client attribute, or track id in the search field.

    When By text is selected, you can search by individual words (no less than three characters) and phrases (up to 100 characters).
    When By client is selected, you can search by any of the following attributes:
    • Name
    • Phone number (the search ignores special characters and delimiters, for example, “–” and “+”)
    • ID from an external system on the client side (for authorized clients)
    • Username in a messenger (without @)
    • Email
    When By thread is selected, the search returns only full matches, works on the whole date range, and ignores other filter settings. To use other filters as usually, remove the thread id from the search field by clicking the cross icon in the search field or the Reset filter button.
  2. Once you are done with filtering, the Threads list fills in with the threads that fit the selected filters. Note that if you sign out of the supervisor WP or switch to another tab, the system saves these settings. If you want to reset the filter, click Reset filter.
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