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Searching for Clients

You can search for clients using the search bar in the upper right corner. You can perform the search in any status after you log into your WP.

The system search by one of the following parameters:

  • Name
  • Phone number (the system ignores special characters like + and )
  • ID from an external system (for the authorized clients)
  • Username in a messenger (without @)
  • Email

To search for a client:

  1. In the search bar in the client profile, enter at least three characters for your search query. The process might take several seconds. Note that the search query is synchronized in both search bars.

    The results of the search can be as follows:
    • Nothing is found. In this case, if a WhatsApp and/or Viber channel is enabled on your stand, you can create a new client and send them a message there. For more details on how to this, refer to the Sending Messages to Clients article.
    • At least one client profile is found. In this case, the following info might display for the client: their name, phone number, email address, external ID, and icon of the channel they used. If a client also has an active thread, they are marked with a green indicator.

    • There are blocked clients in the results. Such clients have an exclamation point icon instead of an avatar and have the blocked label next to their names. You cannot send messages to such clients.
  2. In the search results, locate the client you are looking for and hover over their profile. The system shows the available actions you can take with the client.
  3. Hover over the client’s profile. The following options might be available:
    • Send message – Use this option to send a message to the client via one of the channels available for them.
    • Go to thread – Use this option to open an active thread with this client in the chat area (if the thread is currently active and assigned to you).
    • View chat history – Use this option to view all the chat history with this client, including system messages (messages about transfers, closing threads, block requests, results of the universal commands, added comments).

In this article