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License and Service Payments in edna Pulse

Payment for licenses is automatically deducted from your edna Pulse balance or overdraft if you have a credit limit. Learn more about paying for licenses and services.

The payment event occurs as follows:

  • At the time of license activation. Activation terms are specified in the contract or offer.
  • At the time of license renewal, that is, on the first day of each month.

Generating Invoices

Depending on the terms of the contract, you may also need to create and generate an invoice for payment. Read more in the article. You can pay the invoice at any bank office or via the Client-Bank system.

Before making a bank transfer, ensure that the details in the payment order are correct:

  • payment amount;
  • bank details;
  • the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN/INN) of the organization or sole trader;
  • payment purpose, indicating the correct amount and details of the contract.

We recommend that you independently monitor your personal account spending and replenish your account to a positive balance. If the personal account balance is zero or exceeds the maximum overdraft amount, edna reserves the right to suspend the provision of services. Read more about the payment cycle.

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