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6.7.0 (February 2, 2024)


  • Optimized the operation of requests in the database.
  • Increased the maximum number of characters to 250 for out-of-hours notifications.
  • Optimized the work of requests for processing threads to reduce the load on the cache.
  • Supported the operation of web push notifications for the agent’s mobile workplace on iOS devices.
  • Switched to Node.js 20.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error in voice messages from a bot or operator.
  • Fixed a login page loading error that occurred when updating the page in the agent’s automated workplace.
  • Fixed an error which allowed empty messages to be sent.
  • Fixed an error which didn’t show the button to decrypt a voice message in the widget.
  • Removed the tooltips that were shown when pointing to the All agents and Your agents tabs in the supervisor’s automated workplace.
  • Removed the black area that was displayed when searching for response templates in the agent’s mobile automated workplace on iOS devices.
  • Fixed an error in which the agent couldn’t see the supervisor’s comments in a closed thread.
  • Fixed an error when selecting response templates with deleted files.  
  • Now, when you select such responses, a warning is displayed that the file has been deleted and sending the message is unavailable.
  • Fixed an error when displaying license metrics.
  • Fixed an error when displaying the content of the expanded widget.
  • Fixed an error when displaying the file size in messages sent using the response template.
  • Fixed an error when playing WAV files in the agent’s workplace on iOS devices.
  • Fixed an error when processing an empty schedule.
  • Fixed an error when previewing the quoted message.
  • Fixed an error which displayed active threads in closed threads.
  • Fixed an error which caused an incorrect message to be displayed when the supervisor transferred a thread.
  • Fixed an error which didn’t display the field name when connecting the mailbox.
  • Fixed an error when displaying attachments in response templates.
  • Fixed an error which didn’t display images when viewing the message history in the supervisor’s automated workplace.
  • Fixed an error with the slider for playing audio messages in the agent’s automated workplace.
  • Fixed an error when displaying the chat icon in the widget.
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