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Viewing All Threads with Client

The chat history shows one thread by default. To see the history of all threads with a client:

  1. Click any thread in history.
  2. Click View all history.

When View all history is enabled, the history shows all client’s messages, including system ones. The maximum number of displayed messages is 20 messages before the current thread and 20 after it.

Scroll up or down to see other threads with the client. Click Back to the original thread to display the thread that you opened originally.

If messages of other threads are loaded and displayed on the screen, you can quickly go back to the original thread by tapping the respective button. When you disable the feature, the messages from other threads are no longer visible in the chat history. 

Click the down arrow button in the bottom right corner to scroll to the last opened message.

Click View all history again to hide all threads except the original one.

Client environment is displayed for the original thread only.
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