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License and Service Payment

To pay for services, open the Profile → Company profile section. You pay for both services and licenses from your personal account, and you should top up your account balance as required.

We recommend that you monitor your personal account balance closely and maintain a positive balance. If the account balance is zero or if it exceeds the maximum overdraft limit, edna reserves the right to suspend the services. See the article for details.

To view the amount of debt (if any) and scheduled charges, open the Profile → Company profile section and go to the Payment → Balance replenishment tab.

Before you start sending broadcasts, you may need to pay for your edna license, depending on the terms of your contract. The license fee is debited from your balance, considering there are enough funds on the balance to be debited.

License Payment

edna Pulse automatically debits your license fee(s) from your balance or overdraft, if you are working using overdraft. A payment event occurs as follows:

  • When the license is activates (the activation conditions are specified in the contract).
  • When the license is being renewed on the first day of every month.

The license is renewed automatically. If you want to cancel it, let your manager know in advance, at least 10 days before the next scheduled charge. You can also cancel the license by yourself in your edna dashboard.

Service Payment

Payment of a service fee is a transfer of funds to an individual personal account on the basis of a contract.

How to Pay Using Invoices

You can generate an invoice for services to top up your balance. The invoice can be paid in any bank office or via a client-bank system.

Before you transfer the funds, make sure that the payment order correctly indicates the following:

  • Payment amount.
  • Bank details.
  • The organization or sole proprietor’s taxpayer identification number (TIN/INN).
  • Purpose of payment with indication of the correct amount and details of the contract.

The invoices must be paid within the terms stipulated by the contract. The time for crediting funds to the account depend on the bank that makes the payment.

Hot to Generate Invoices

  1. Open the Profile → Company profile section.
  2. Go to the Payment → Balance replenishment tab. 
  3. Click Generate invoice.
  4. In the window that opens, enter the amount you want to top up the balance with, select a bank from the drop-down, and click Create.

The document opens in a new browser tab, and you can save it in the PDF format, if necessary. Once the funds are credited to the payment account, the balance will be replenished.

How to Download Invoices

The invoice is sent to the email address you specified during registration of your dashboard in edna. To download it, open the Profile Company profile section and go to the Payment → Documents tab. Funds for the license prolongation are also automatically debited from the balance. If you want to cancel the license, you should email your assigned manager no later than 10 days before the new licensing period.

How to Pay by Card

You can top up your account balance from edna Pulse with a bank card using the Stripe payment system.

  1. Open the Profile → Company profile section of edna Pulse.
  2. Go to the Payment → Balance replenishment tab. 
  3. Click Pay by card to open the Pay by card with Stripe payment system window.
  4. Enter the payment amount in your account currency and click Checkout to proceed to payment.
  5. Enter your card details on the Stripe website and click Pay <amount>.
  6. Return to your edna dashboard.

The Payment successful notification will appear at the top of the page, the account balance will be updated, and a line will be added to the account statement.