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4.15.0 (October 4, 2022)

New Features

  • Starting with version 4.15.0, the design of the agent WP is updated. The old design is no longer available. In the new design of the WP, we have:
    • Added support for navigation through the tag list and selecting a tag using the keyboard
    • Reduced the size of the modal window that displays when you reach the transfer limit.
    • Reduced margins between messages.
    • Increased the size of the read icons. 
  • To the bug log, which can be downloaded from the agent WP, we have added some extended information that will help technical support to understand the incidents more comprehensively, so they could analyze and correct them. Now the file will be downloaded as an archive.
  • In the supervisor WP, we have added a new feature that allows you to view the whole chat history with a client within one window. This feature is available on the History tab when viewing a thread. To view all the chat history, toggle on the View all chat history switch.

    Once enabled, the history of all client’s threads (including the system ones) displays in the chat area: up to 20 messages before the current trend and after it (if any). When scrolling up or down, the messages of the client’s threads display, and, when scrolling, other messages are being loaded. Note that the client’s environment data only displays in the original thread. 

    If messages of other threads are loaded and displayed on the screen, you can quickly go back to the original thread by tapping the respective button. 

    When you disable the feature, the messages from other threads are no longer visible in the chat history. 

    Related to that, we have adjusted the chat history report that you can download on the History tab: you can now download the history for the original thread or for all threads of the client. 

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed the following bug: in the agent WP, when typing in a word that started with a capital letter, the system moved this letter to the end of the word.
  • In the agent and supervisor WPs, you can again zoom in on an image using the touchpad or Ctrl+.
  • We have fixed the behavior that caused a finished quality survey to not be closed, if after the survey the bot sent a greeting (which initiated a new thread). 
  • Minor errors related to the layout of message bubbles have been fixed in the web widget.
  • We have also restored the setting of the sending frequency of quality surveys (sending_frequency).
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