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4.6.2 (June 8, 2022)

New Features

In 4.3.0, we have implemented the functionality to add inactivity reasons for agents and adjusted the reports to display those new reasons. After that in the Workload report, columns with inactive statuses (i.e., Lunch Break, Meeting, Coaching, Short Break, Technical Break) were only displayed if agents used those statuses within the reporting period. So, if agents never used the Lunch Break statuses within the reporting period, the column “Lunch Break” did not display in the report.  

In the current release we have adjusted this logic: now, the report displays all columns with inactive statuses available for agents regardless of whether those statuses were used or not. This way, if the Lunch Break status is available for agents, but they never used it within the reporting period, this column will still be displayed in the report.

We have also implemented a setting that allows you to specify how the report is generated:

  • The way it was before.
  • Using the logic described above.
  • Displaying the columns with all possible inactivity reasons that earlier existed in the system, but were then deactivated and unavailable for agents.

If you want to use a non-default configuration for the report, contact the support team.

Note that columns with inactive statuses are sorted alphabetically, but you can also specify your own order. To do that, also contact the support team.  

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