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Managing Broadcasts

A broadcast is a set of attributes, parameters, and rules that form a bulk messaging process in edna platform.

Reviewing a Broadcast on the Broadcasts page

You add a broadcast on the Broadcasts page. Here you can see the list of all your broadcasts and their details in the following columns:

Start dateThe date and time when the broadcast launches/was launched. This can be a future date (for when the broadcast is planned), a past date, or there can be no date (if the broadcast hasn’t been planned for yet).
NameThe name of the broadcast and the cascade that was selected for it.
StatusThe status of your broadcast. It can be one of the following: Draft (the broadcast is not completely configured yet), Schedules (the broadcast has a future start date), In progress, Finished, Canceled (an edna user has stopped/canceled the broadcast), Canceling (the broadcast has been stopped due to technical issues).
AudienceThe number of unique clients set up for the broadcast
Number of messages receivedThe number (and the percentage) of unique users that received the message at at least one step of the cascade selected for this broadcast
Number of messages openedThe number (and the percentage) of unique users that opened the message at at least one step of the cascade selected for this broadcast
Number of messages not receivedThe number (and the percentage) of unique users that did not receive the message

Working with the Broadcasts page

Apart from reviewing the statistical information about the existing broadcasts, you can also use the Broadcasts page to:

  • Add a new broadcast
    To do this, click the Create broadcast button.
  • Edit a broadcast
    You can only edit a Planned or Draft broadcast. To do this, in the list, click the name of the broadcast you want to edit or click Actions > Edit for it.
  • Review a broadcast
    To do this, in the list, click the name of the broadcast you want to view or click Actions > View for it (if it has the Finished or Canceled status). There you can review the details of the broadcast, its contents, audience, rules, etc., and the statistics on the cascade steps (if the broadcast is in progress or already completed).
  • Copy a broadcast
    To do this, in the list, click Actions > Copy for the broadcast you want to copy. This will open a new broadcast configuration page.
  • Sort the broadcasts by start date or name
    To do this, click the header of the corresponding column (Start date or Name).
  • Cancel the broadcast
    You can only cancel a Planned or In progress broadcast. To do this, click Actions > Cancel for the broadcast you want to cancel.