You can review your personal statistics in your WP. The system gathers the statistics during your shift: the moment you log into the system is considered the beginning of the shift, and the moment you sign off – its end.
The agent’s personal statistics are displayed in the lower left corner of the WP:
Hover over the statistics to see the description of each of the parameters:
Active shift time: This is the time of the current shift that you have been in the Active or Out status or getting ready to switch to the Inactive status. The time is displayed in the hh:mm format and is updated every minute.
Quality of service: The average score of service that your clients give you after you close the threads with them during your shift. If the score is lower than the target one, the emoji displayed is “sad face”. The score is updated every time you receive one.
Average first response time in seconds after the thread is assigned: The average number of seconds that passes from the time you receive a new thread (with the NEW marker) to when you first respond to it.
If the average value is lower than the target one, the parameter is highlighted in red. The parameter is updated when you first respond in a new thread.
The system uses the following formula to calculate the parameter: the total time of the agent’s first response in threads from the moment they are assigned to the agent’s personal queue (both new and transferred) / Number of first responses
Number of threads completed in the current hour/shift out of the targeted number: The first value is the number of threads closed in the current working hour out of the targeted number. For example, if your active shift time is 00:40 (40 minutes), this value displays the number of threads closed in 40 minutes. If your active shift time is 03:20 (3 hours 20 minutes), it displays the number of threads closed in the last 20 minutes. When hovering over the statistics, you will also see the targeted value of threads that need to be completed.
The second value is the number of threads closed in the shift so far. This parameter is always greater or equal to the number of threads closed in the current working hour. The bubble that opens when you hover over the parameter prompts your target number of closed threads.
Example: The admin set the target of 10 threads/hour. The agent’s active shift time is 1:23 (1 hour 23 minutes). Target value for the moment of the shift is 14 threads: 1 h * 10 threads + (23/60) h * 10 threads = 14.