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4.4.0 (April 28, 2022)

New Features

  • We have implemented a new notification, Client blocking, which you can set as a general one in the admin WP or as a personal one for a segment. If the notification is set, when an agent sends a client blocking request, the client receives a system message with the text of the notification. This new notification is implemented for the web widget as well. It is planned to be implemented for the Android and iOS SDK in the upcoming releases.
  • On the WP authorization page and when clicking the user avatar (in the top right corner), the component version (Backend, Reports, Threadstate, Datastore, Frontend) is now displayed. You can copy it to the clipboard, if necessary.
  • Changes to the edna External API:
    • A new parameter supervisor (the supervisor’s login) has been added to the Create agent and Update agent methods. This parameter is used to assign an agent to the supervisor. The validation of the parameters of the methods was carried out in accordance with the documentation.
    • The new methods have been implemented: Create supervisorUpdate supervisor.
    • The new method Block/unblock user to block or unblock users has been implemented.

Bug Fixes

We have fixed the following:

  • An issue with a client’s avatar being displayed incorrectly when searching for the client from an unauthorized web widget or messenger
  • The following behavior: the message Connection restored did not always display in the agent WP after the connection was restored
  • Minor errors related to the display of the reasons for the inactive status in the agent WP and the supervisor WP
  • Minor errors related to client blocking
  • Minor errors related to downloading an attachment from the web widget on iOS
  • Ability to redefine localization in settings.json for the web widget has been restored
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