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4.9.0 (July 12, 2022)

New Features

  • Starting with version 4.9.0, support for Internet Explorer 11 is discontinued. edna Chat Center still works great in Chrome which is actively developing and allows you to use up-to-date functionality.
  • We have redesigned the user authorization page.

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed the behavior that caused a sticker sent in Telegram to display as an empty message in the chat in the WP.
  • We have fixed the issue with notifications for clients being doubled in chats.
  • In the agent WP, we have fixed a problem with incorrect time display of client messages sent from VKontakte.
  • In the agent and supervisor WPs, we have fixed an issue with incorrect previews of images sent by clients from the email channel.
  • The layout of the Redirect email messages page under the admin WP was corrected.
  • The layout of the web widget header has been corrected: now the caption in the chat header is displayed on the left by default. You can change the alignment if necessary.
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