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July 21, 2022

New Features

  • We have added a hint and verification of the template name when registering a WhatsApp template.
  • We have added a filter on the Broadcasts page. Now you can search broadcasts by tags that were used in them. Previously, we implemented a similar filter for the Audience page to make searching for clients more precise.
  • We have added new categories for WhatsApp templates: TransactionalMarketingOTP
  • We have added a restriction on the registration of user templates for random phone numbers.
  • We have implemented a dynamic call-to-action button: now you can insert a unique URL for each client in the broadcast.
  • We have added two methods: for sending an SMS and for checking the status of a sent SMS.
  • We have implemented integration with the Jivo chat platform for a WhatsApp channel. Now the following is supported:
    • All types of outgoing HSM messages, outgoing chat messages, outgoing messages sent via edna dashboard or API.
    • All types of incoming messages (including messages that are responses to messages with buttons).
    • Sending interactive messages from the Jive side.
    • Sending chat history to Jivo.
    • Transferring an incoming client request to Jivo.
    • Sending a client outgoing chat message and HSM messages from Jivo.
    • If a client responds to an HSM message, sending an outgoing HSM message to Jivo (the validity period of an outgoing message is 14 days).
    • Ability to quickly connect an edna WhatsApp channel to Jivo.

Bug Fixes

We have:

  • Added information about the cost of connecting a phone number in the WhatsApp pricing description.
  • Implemented automatic removal of spaces in the names of buttons when saving and sending templates for registration. Previously, a template was not approved if there was a space at the end of the link, because the link was considered invalid.
  • Added a wizard time.to when selecting dates. Previously, there was an error when selecting messages for a specific date on the Analytics page: users expected to receive all messages for the selected day, but received only messages for 00:00:00 of that day. Now, messages are returned for the entire selected period – from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
  • Changed the logic of creating the signature name from the IM platform’s callback, and not from the sender name.
  • Increased the lifetime of the registration link to three days.
  • Corrected the logic of the Blacklist tag.
  • Prepared the logic of working with variables in the Audience filter.
  • Fixed errors when issuing an account statement.
  • Fixed a bug with license generation and activation for migrating clients.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when uploading a file with empty columns.
  • Fixed an error when sending a test message in a broadcast.
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