Survey Results Report

Use the Survey Results report to review the results of the survey sent to customers after an agent closes their thread.

id_questionSurvey identifier.
QuestionSurvey question.
AnswerThe answer option chosen by the customer. For button surveys, the value of the button clicked by the customer. For scaled surveys, the value of the rating set by the customer.
CommentCustomer’s comment (if any).
date_answerDate of the customer’s answer.
thread_idThread identifier.
client_idCustomer’s internal ID assigned by edna Chat Center.
external_client_idCustomer’s external ID (for example, from a customer’s CRM), if specified.
agent_idAgent’s identifier.
agent_nameAgent’s name.
sv_idSupervisor’s identifier.
sv_nameSupervisor’s name.
department_idDepartment identifier.
department_nameDepartment name.
ChannelChannel used by the customer (that is, channel via which the message is created).
AuthChannel type: authorized (yes) or unauthorized (no).
AppChannel app name (if several apps are connected to the channel).
Button textThe text of the button the customer clicked to complete the survey. Only available for button surveys.
Survey typeThe type of survey sent to the customer. Possible values: FCR, CSI, Other.
Survey statusThe status of the survey sent to the customer. Possible values:
NEW. A new survey form saved in the database. The survey switches to this status immediately after the end of the thread.
SENT. The survey form sent to the customer.
READ. The survey in the form was read by the customer.
ANSWERED. The customer has completed at least one survey in the form.
CLOSED. The survey form is closed. When creating a new thread, all submitted surveys switch to this status.
FAILED. The survey form wasn’t delivered to the customer.
You can only set up surveys through the database. For more information on how to enable button surveys, send a request to technical support at
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