edna Chat Center Storage Information

To open detailed information about the available and used storage capacity in edna Chat Center, go to the SettingsStorage section.

Possible parameters in the Storage section:

Attachments in threads, reportsThe amount of space used to store the following data:

• attachments received from customers in threads of the agent workplace;
• attachments sent to customers in threads of the agent workplace;
• reports executed in the supervisor workplace.
Response templates, avatarsThe amount of space used to store the following data:

• response templates in the agent workplace;
• response templates in the administrator workplace;
• customer avatars;
• agent avatars;
• supervisor avatars;
• administrator avatars.
Free spaceThe amount of free space.

The parameter is only displayed if the storage capacity is limited.
Storage capacityThe total amount of available space provided by the tariff plan.

The parameter is only displayed if the storage capacity is limited.

Storage capacity depends on the edna Chat Center tariff plan. To increase the available storage capacity, contact your personal edna manager.
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