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Settings Change Log

The history of changes to all settings specified by the administrator on the Settings and Users tabs is stored in the log.

To get the settings change log, send a request to technical support support@edna.io.

Each log contains the following information:

  • change date and time;
  • ID of the user who made the change;
  • change type: activation, deactivation, creation, modification, deletion;
  • object being modified;
  • value before the change;
  • value after the change.

User creation log example:

338,"3e48a769-eb70-40df-98d1-7142e530d0b5","2024-05-23 05:38:06.837+00",6,"com.brooma.threads.entities.settings.UserSetting","23","com.brooma.threads.controllers.admin.UserAdminController#createUser(UserApiForm, Principal)","{""key"": {""value"": ""CAN_MANAGE_USERS"", ""oldValue"": null}, ""user"": {""value"": 15, ""oldValue"": null}, ""value"": {""value"": ""false"", ""oldValue"": null}}"
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