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Channel Features


How many messages can I send to a customer?

There is no limit to the number of messages per customer.

What is the maximum number of characters in a free text message?

4096 characters.

General Questions

If the customer writes first, do I need to get their permission to receive broadcasts?

Yes, you do. It’s mandatory.

How do I use the WhatsApp Business API to join a group chat?

You can’t join group chats using the WhatsApp Business API.

How can I hide the status of a message read by the company?

By default, all incoming messages from customers are marked as read in edna Pulse, but you can disable this setting. If your software supports automatic delivery of message status, set up delivery of a read confirmation when the message is opened. Read more in the article.

How can I find out the details of customers who have blocked or complained about the channel?

This is confidential information that Facebook doesn’t share. You also won’t be able to see spam complaint statistics or a complaint scale that reflects the WhatsApp channel quality.

How do I know if the customer is a WhatsApp user or not before sending a message?

You can’t check this. If the customer doesn’t use WhatsApp, the message sent to them won’t be delivered with the status not-whatsapp-user.

Can I format the text of the message I want to send?

Yes, you can. Learn more about formatting.

What attachments can I use in a message?

When sending messages in conversation, you can use the following attachments:

  • Images in JPEG/PNG format. The maximum size is 5 MB.
  • MIME type documents, including DOC. The maximum size is 5 MB.
  • Video in MP4/3GPP format. The maximum size is 16 MB.
How do I connect a catalog for WhatsApp Business API?
In this article