How to View and Download Message Report

  1. Go to the AnalyticsMessages section in edna Pulse personal account to open a list of all sent and received messages in edna Pulse.
  2. Click Filters and set filter options to see only the messages you need.
  3. Select the period for which you want to view messages from the drop-down list.
  4. If necessary, use a quick search by the recipient’s phone number.
  5. Click on the message line in the list to open the message details.
  6. Click Download list to generate a detailed report of the messages displayed.
  7. Click View the result to go to the Event logDownloads section, or wait for the report to be generated and click To downloads. Learn more about viewing the event log.
  8. Make sure that a detailed report of the messages displayed is generated in the Event logDownloads section, and click Download to download the report in CSV format.
To generate multiple reports on messages simultaneously according to different filtering parameters, follow the instructions below.

How to Generate and Download Reports with Different Filters

  1. Click Generate report.
  2. Select the period for which you want to view messages from the drop-down list.
  3. If necessary, use a quick search by the recipient’s phone number.
  4. Select the filter options to generate a report for only the relevant messages.
  5. Click Generate report to start generating a detailed report according to the selected filter options.
  6. Click View the result to go to the Event logDownloads section, or wait for the report to be generated and click To downloads. Learn more about viewing the event log.
  7. Make sure that the report is generated in the Event logDownloads section, and click Download to download the report in CSV format.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 if necessary, specifying different filter options.

Message Details

Possible message details depending on its type and channel:

  • The date and time when the message was sent.
  • The message status.
  • The message sender and recipient.
  • The message source:
    • API: API edna Pulse;
    • Jivo: Jivo platform;
    • Chat Center: personal edna Chat Center account;
    • Personal account: personal edna Pulse account;
    • Test: the Test broadcast function.
  • The traffic type.
  • The broadcast and cascade name.
  • The login of the user who sent the message from the personal edna Pulse account.
  • The message text, attachments, and URLs, including source URLs for referral messages via WhatsApp.
  • A unique link replaced individually for each recipient of a Viber message to collect click statistics. It is only available for the Viber channel if the Track clicks on link buttons option is enabled when configuring the broadcast content.
  • The menu options and reply button details for interactive messages.
  • The device details for push messages.

To download a detailed report on messages in Excel format, click Download list.