Reviewing Broadcast Results

  1. Go to the Broadcasts section of your personal edna Pulse account.
  2. Click on the name of the broadcast you want to view, or click View in the broadcast actions menu.
Broadcast details are available for all statuses except Draft and Scheduled.
  1. Review the data available in the Broadcast summary section:
    • The total number of messages sent.
    • The number and percentage of messages delivered.
    • The number and percentage of messages read. Not available for the SMS channel.
    • The number and percentage of messages from which recipients clicked on the link button.
    • The number and percentage of undelivered messages.
Click tracking is only available for messages sent through the Viber channel if the Track clicks on link buttons  option is enabled when configuring the broadcast content. The link is valid for 30 days from the date the message was sent. After the expiration date, the statistics collection will stop.
  1. If necessary, click Message report to go to the AnalyticsMessages section, view the detailed report and upload it in XLSX format.
  2. Expand the blocks you need to see more details about the broadcast:
Broadcast stages summaryStatistics on sent, received, read and unread messages at all broadcast stages. For messages with a link button sent via the Viber channel, the number of clicks on the link button can be displayed.

Statistics on all stages in the cascade are only available once the rules for moving from one step to another have been fulfilled.
Broadcast settingsThe date and time of sending the broadcast and other settings: duration, time of receiving the broadcast, the interval for sending messages.
Broadcast audienceThe total number of broadcast recipients, as well as the included and excluded recipients.
Broadcast contentThe name of the cascade used to send the broadcast and the type of message sent.
For messages with a link button sent via the Viber channel, the number of clicks on the link button can be displayed.
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