Message Analytics

The AnalyticsMessages section displays all sent or received messages in edna Pulse. You can see the broadcast results, the number of incoming and outgoing messages for a certain period, and download a detailed report on messages.

How to View Analytics and Download a Report

  1. Open the AnalyticsMessages section.
  2. Click Filters and select filters to see only the messages you need. To see a list of all messages, leave the filters empty.
  3. Select the time period for which you want to view messages. The 24-hour option is selected by default.
  4. If necessary, use a filter by the client’s phone number.
  5. Click on the required message in the list to open its details.

Possible message details depending on its type and channel:

  • The date and time when the message was sent.
  • The message status.
  • The message sender and recipient.
  • The message source:
    • API: API edna Pulse;
    • Jivo: Jivo platform;
    • Chat Center: personal edna Chat Center account;
    • Personal account: personal edna Pulse account;
    • Test: the Test broadcast function.
  • The traffic type.
  • The broadcast and cascade name.
  • The login of the user who sent the message from the personal edna Pulse account.
  • The message text, attachments, and URLs, including source URLs for referral messages via WhatsApp.
  • A unique link replaced individually for each recipient of a Viber message to collect click statistics. It is only available for the Viber channel if the Track clicks on link buttons option is enabled when configuring the broadcast content.
  • The menu options and reply button details for interactive messages.
  • The device details for push messages.

To download a detailed report on messages in Excel format, click Download list.

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