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Receiving List of Channels

Use this method to receive a list of channels with their details.

channel-profile Method

A successful request using the channel-profile method returns code 200 with a JSON object that contains a list of channels with their details. If the request fails, the server returns a response with an error code.

To receive a list of channels with their details, send a GET request to https://app.edna.io/api/channel-profile?types=WHATSAPP

Request Format

An empty JSON object is passed in the request body.

Response Format

As a response to the request, a JSON array that contains the channel data is returned.

        "id": 0,
        "name": "My New Channel",
        "subjectId": 537,
        "subject": "mynewchannel_wa",
        "active": true,
        "registrationStatus": "DONE_BUSINESS_VERIFICATION",
        "type": "WHATSAPP",
        "instruction": "The channel is operating correctly and is ready for use."

Response Parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
idintegerChannel identifier.
namestringChannel name.
subjectIdintegerSubject identifier. This parameter is only transmitted for registered and active channels.
channelAttributestring (optional)Phone number. Valid for action WhatsApp channel only.
subjectstringSubject name.
activebooleanValue that specifies whether the channel is active. true: the channel is active; false: the channel is inactive (currently not working).
registrationStatusstringChannel registration status. Possible values for the WhatsApp channel:
 DONE_BUSINESS_VERIFICATION: the channel is operating correctly and is ready for use;
• DONE_FINISH_REGISTER: company’s verification has been successfully completed.
typestringChannel type. Values are: WHATSAPP, SMS, VIBER.
limitstringThe WhatsApp channel daily limit. Learn more about WhatsApp channel information.
qualityScorestringThe WhatsApp channel quality.
qualityStatusstringThe WhatsApp channel status.
instructionstringInstructions for further steps of the channel registration.

Request Response Codes

  • ok: The request has been completed successfully.
  • If there are no channels, an empty array ([]) is returned.